
I Am Not Resolute, Bitches!

I’m wholly unfunny this week, partially due to the chest cold from hell which forced me to not-sleep on the couch one night (as opposed to not-sleeping in bed) so Husband could get SOME shut-eye. He’s back to work full time, and I’m currently unemployed, therefore in all fairness he needed sleep more than me.

I attempted to create a cohesive, real post out of the random bits of snark I’d collected, but Blogger ate my post. Asshole. So I’m starting over and screw any literary idealism.

  • All the cold drugs I took did NOTHING for the goddamn cough, but they did make me dream of polar bears ripping my house apart while chasing me. I woke up just before they ate my head.
    • I’m greatly unimpressed by my fucked up subconscious, which should’ve been dreaming about Gerard Butler naked instead of killer goddamned polar bears digging through my floor to eat my head. WTF??
    • Chewy is now on notice that if he turns all Jess-a-cidal he’ll quickly find himself turned into a rug. He responded with an adoring stare and snuggling, which I suspect is his sneaky ploy. 
  • “Omnomnomnom” and all variations thereof should be banned. WHAT THE FUCK. This is the linguistic equivalent of chewing with your fucking mouth open in public. Ish. That is all.
  • Lifetime-television-for-vaginas has a new show about BRA FITTINGS. Really Lifetime? Sigh. I’ll admit there are certain times of the month when I need a little ridiculous drama, but BRA FITTINGS? Because being in fitting room with the hellish sallow light and magnifying glass mirrors isn’t horrid enough.
  • New Year’s Resolutions. I am neither resolute NOR do I consider 1/1 the beginning of my year. Resolutions are often silly, shallow attempts to feel better after a month of alcohol and chocolate. I CELEBRATE my alcohol and chocolate overindulgence, and have no guilt.

HOWEVER. I do wish to grow and learn in general, because I’m not dead nor am I a zombie (SURPRISE, the apocalypse didn’t happen) as of 12/22. Now I have maxed out credit cards, a trip to Timbuktu to plan, and that $200k loan from a dude called “Shorty” from that bar…shit…

It’s possible cold meds are distracting and cause odd tangents.

Anyway…shit I’ve considered/worked on since November.

  • Use a different curse word each week. I’ve had lazy in my linguistic abilities lately, and it’s unacceptable to me to allow my vocabulary suffer from lack of imagination. Since I firmly believe cursing has its place, I need to work on expanding my usage from George Carlin’s seven. (PS: Titts IS my husband’s nickname, so I’m always amused.)
    • This week: “fucktwat.”
  • Eleanor Roosevelt said “Do something that scares you every day.” I’d love to say this is one of my goals, but let’s be honest here: I’m FAR too lazy to attempt to do something EVERY DAY. 365 scary new things might make my brainpan implode.
    •  I am, however, trying to say “yes” to opportunities more, particularly if they make me nervous. We’ll see how those work out as they appear, and I recognize this is a way to encompass all possible goals into one bullet point. I’m a cunning linguist.
    • So I got a gun for the holidays and am going to try to improve my target skills (my best shot so far was the crotch of the dude on the ’80’s bad guy paper target).
  • I suppose I should include finding a job, since I’m currently unemployed (contract ended 12/31) and though my boss said an offer was coming I’ve yet to see it. But I’m fairly unconcerned at this point, and am having ROME and Lord of the Rings marathons.

 Since I’ve lost this post twice now, I’m quitting while I’m ahead and have fully-formed saved sentences.

Fucktwat. I may have to keep that one going an extra week, just because it makes me giggle every time.

3 thoughts on “I Am Not Resolute, Bitches!

  1. Here's to keeping \”fucktwat\” alive. Your posts always make me laugh 🙂 On a particularly shitty Monday, I appreciate that.I hope you are feeling better. Pets are such adorable bastards, aren't they? Get some sleep. Do something scary in your dreams, that counts.


  2. Thanks. 🙂 So, I occasionally have nightmares about the critters in the \”Alien\” movies, and today I saw a creepy-as-fuck picture of an alien/naked woman creature. I'll undoubtedly be running from aliens in my dreams later. Maybe they'll be naked, only that could make the whole thing scarier. Snicker.


  3. I love \”fucktwat\”! I'm going to add that on into my word calendar. I like to over-use a new word every week. Most of them are made up by me, so nobody knows what the hell I'm talking about until they ask. I like to think that I'm enriching the lives of others this way…


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