Banshee · fAngus and Ragnar · Writing

Sunday is for Self-Care

Ragnar, contemptuous of fAngus's wrath, naps belly-up I did not nap today. I'd like to - radiation tired is still a thing in my house right now. But I had deadlines. Writing group is on Sunday afternoons, and I've been terribly behind in both my feedback AND my next submission. I ate way too many… Continue reading Sunday is for Self-Care

Banshee · Novels · Writing

The Well of What Ifs

Did you ever see The Seventh Sign? I love that movie: underrated horror starring Demi Moore, Michael Biehn, and Jurgen Prochnow about the seven Biblical seals that herald the end of the world. The end of humanity doesn't come in a fiery whoosh a-la Sodom and Gomorrah, but in a silent emptiness of infertility as… Continue reading The Well of What Ifs