
Surprise Horde Art

SK has been working with his siblings to clean out the house they grew up in for a while now. Some treasures discovered and distributed between the family members to be cherished memories of their parents, many non-essentials either donated to charity or tossed as appropriate. It’s a long process, going through a house a family lived in for so many years.

One of the treasures I was gifted by the siblings when I was there (in addition to that marriage manual that IS still on my to-do list, but has been on the back burner since Yule) was a stack of SK’s grad pictures, wallet size. I keep them in a drawer in my desk (because there were upwards of 75, too many for a wallet or purse), and not long ago one of the twins discovered the stash while she was searching for a tape dispenser. She took a stack of the pics and plotted with her sister to create new art.

This morning I found this on my desk, lying on my keyboard so I couldn’t miss it.

Not sure why they gave him so many eyes and chins?

I mean, if you want your spouse’s pic turned into a Picasso-esque* art piece, the twins are up for the job.

Yes, SK got a copy as well (they used PLENTY of the stack for this project) and yes, we both have them in our offices.

*I’m nowhere NEAR an art expert, so if there’s an artist I should’ve used instead of Picasso, which is the closest match I could find in a 3 second search on the interwebs, don’t yell at me? Although by all means, let me know who so I can look them up, too!

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