
Surprise Horde Art

SK has been working with his siblings to clean out the house they grew up in for a while now. Some treasures discovered and distributed between the family members to be cherished memories of their parents, many non-essentials either donated to charity or tossed as appropriate. It's a long process, going through a house a… Continue reading Surprise Horde Art

life · Twins

Minerva v Wobbly Teenage Bandits

This morning I woke up to Minerva losing her f-ing mind. She barks a lot in the mornings anyway: we have deer regularly wandering through our yard and she is always on HIGH ALERT, certain the deer are plotting an invasion. But when her bark changed from "HEY! HEY! HEY! YOU THERE! HEY! THIS IS… Continue reading Minerva v Wobbly Teenage Bandits

life · Twins

Traveling Chickens, Covid, and Teenage Sleepovers

Suddenly it's nearly June 15th, and the last month has been...eventful. Not that events excuse dropping the blog for a few weeks, but for a while there something had to go, and I saved up pictures and notes to write up later. Today is later. In May I went to Cocoa Beach, FL with my… Continue reading Traveling Chickens, Covid, and Teenage Sleepovers

life · Twins

Negatives and Positives: a Spectrum

So...I get quite a few spam comments that are filtered out by this platform (thank goodness) and I always review them before deleting because often they're entertaining. The recent spate of "is cbd oil good for..." followed by a variety of ailments have been fun to read. This one, however, made me shake my head.… Continue reading Negatives and Positives: a Spectrum

fAngus and Ragnar · life · Minerva · Twins

Wildlife Here is Determined to Drive Me Nuts in the best ways

First, let me just say now that I'm moved into the house (on five acres across from a golf course): I did NOT realize how die-hard some folk are about their golf game. As I write this it's a whopping 37 degrees Fahrenheit and alternating between rain and sleet. Yet there are multiple groups of… Continue reading Wildlife Here is Determined to Drive Me Nuts in the best ways