life · Writing

Probably NOT the Teeth You’re Looking For?

Well, the publishing process already threw me a slight curve ball: they asked for a picture. I hates having my picture taken, precious. I hates it more than Gollum hates Hobbitses. Ok maybe the hate is comparable. Anyway. Thanks to Amore Photography, who also did our engagement and wedding pictures in the last couple of… Continue reading Probably NOT the Teeth You’re Looking For?

fAngus and Ragnar · Minerva

13 things to do when you find a dead body on your deck at 8:30am.

Stare at the mangled ball of meat, bone, possible intestine, and fur for a potentially unreasonable span of time. Turn on your barefoot heel and go back in the house. Grumble absently about how there isn't enough coffee in the world for this bullshit as you prepare your first cup. Ignore said body as much… Continue reading 13 things to do when you find a dead body on your deck at 8:30am.

life · Twins

Minerva v Wobbly Teenage Bandits

This morning I woke up to Minerva losing her f-ing mind. She barks a lot in the mornings anyway: we have deer regularly wandering through our yard and she is always on HIGH ALERT, certain the deer are plotting an invasion. But when her bark changed from "HEY! HEY! HEY! YOU THERE! HEY! THIS IS… Continue reading Minerva v Wobbly Teenage Bandits


Review: Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes

I've been on a bit of a Medusa kick lately, and Stone Blind was Christmas present from my parents last year, and I was excited enough to move it up on my TBR pile. Worth it. Stone Blind isn't just the story of Medusa or Perseus or even Danae: it's a clever and fun wholistic… Continue reading Review: Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes

Novels · Review

Review: The Clackity by Lora Senf

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. This book is FANTASTIC. Twelve year old Evie lives in Blight Harbor, a notoriously haunted small town with so many ghouls and ghosts that her aunt and guardian, Desdemona (Des) making her living writing a witchy advice column for the… Continue reading Review: The Clackity by Lora Senf

Myths and Monsters · Review

Review: Athena’s Child by Hannah Lynn

First, I read this book in a day and put off my own writing to finish it. Athena's Child is Hannah Lynn's retelling of the Medusa myth from (mostly) Medusa's point of view. Medusa is a beautiful and completely mortal girl whose parents differ on what's best for her fourteen year old self. Her mother… Continue reading Review: Athena’s Child by Hannah Lynn

Myths and Monsters · Review

Review: The Shadow of Perseus by Claire Heywood

I received an ARC of this novel through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. I think by now we all know I love a good retold myth, and that Medusa is one of my favorite figures in any mythological cycle. I would've been interested in a Perseus novel based purely on those two criteria.… Continue reading Review: The Shadow of Perseus by Claire Heywood


Review: Nothing but Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw

I mean, even the cover gave me the heebie-jeebies. Nothing but Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw is a short and horrific punch in the guts, and I loved it. Set in a haunted mansion, the story centers around a group of twenty-somethings who have obviously been friends for quite a while, and who fit the… Continue reading Review: Nothing but Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw